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Benchmark 3.1Benchmark 3.1 measures your Palm Powered handheld's speed and bus bandwidth utilization, and shows how your device measures up relative to other models -- and it does so quite accurately. Benchmark 3.1 reports the speed of 68K apps as a blended timing of native code and PalmOS API calls. On a PalmOS 5 device with an ARM CPU, it measures the speed of apps running under the PACE emulation layer, combined with the speed of native ARM Palm OS calls. This provides an accurate benchmark for measuring the relative speed of 68K PalmOS apps on both original DragonBall 68K and new ARM PalmOS devices. The barchart result for extremely fast devices is too large to fit on the Palm screen, and thus is truncated at the right hand edge. Other reported results: (visit the Discussion Forum to add yours!)
NEW IN VERSION 3.1: Support for Palm OS Garnet (OS 5) and up. 3.1 works around a bug in Cingular Treo 650 devices. (Note: Benchmark 3.1 is designed to test the speed of real Palm devices. The Palm OS Emulator/Simulator may report inaccurate timings due to inconsistencies in the way it keeps time.) Benchmark 3.1 works on all Palm OS connected organizers. It was developed entirely on-board a Palm handheld using the Quartus Forth compiler. If you'd like to be able to write apps right on your Palm device, have a look at Quartus Forth! Download Benchmark 3.1. Benchmark 3.1 is freeware. Enjoy! And while you're here, please check out the other Quartus products. |
© 1999, 2006 Neal Bridges. All Rights Reserved. |