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directory | 2024.4.9 |
tailrecurse.txt | Here's an implementation of a 'tail-recurse' word. It
causes an unconditional branch back to the start of the current word. |
228 bytes | 2005.10.2 |
checkmathlib.txt | A snippet showing how to exit gracefully with an alert if
your app requires Mathlib, but is not present on a device. |
613 bytes | 2005.8.9 |
 hexquit.txt | Cause the Quartus Forth console to use HEX instead of DECIMAL
as the default value for BASE. |
175 bytes | 2005.7.30 |
 validate.txt | Shows how to easily validate a date using the calendar library.
This confirms that the day, month, and year values are all valid. |
312 bytes | 2005.7.30 |
© 1999, 2006 Neal Bridges. All Rights Reserved. |